Auto Sell

* Retrieves a HashMap containing the currency values for selling a specific material for a player.
* @param m The material for which currency values are to be retrieved.
* @param uuid The UUID of the player for whom currency values are to be retrieved.
* @return A HashMap containing the currency values for the material.
public HashMap<String, Double> getMaterialCurrencies(Material m, UUID uuid) {
   // Implementation here

* Checks if a material is saleable.
* @param m The material to check for saleability.
* @return True if the material can be sold using Autosell, false otherwise.
public boolean isMatSaleable(Material m) {
   // Implementation here

* Sells a specified amount of a material for a player.
* @param uuid The UUID of the player who is selling the material.
* @param m The material to be sold.
* @param amount The amount of the material to be sold.
public void sellMaterial(UUID uuid, Material m, double amount) {
   // Implementation here

* Sells a batch of materials along with their specified amounts for a player.
* @param uuid The UUID of the player who is selling the materials.
* @param materials A HashMap containing materials as keys and their corresponding amounts as values.
public void sellMaterials(UUID uuid, HashMap<Material, Double> materials) {
   // Implementation here

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