CommonDrill:worlds-blocked: - "spawn"drill-stop-when-touching:BEDROCKmine-radius:2seconds-per-layer:1affect-autosell:true;commands-on-place: - "edp msg %player% drill placed"commands-on-finish: - "edp msg %player% drill mined %blocks% blocks"item:name:'&a&lCommon Drill'material:HOPPERglowing:truelore: - "&7Place this &a&lCommon" - "&7drill onto your mine" - "&7to mine straight to bedrock" - "" - "&7&o(( Right click to use ))"
How drills work? You just need to create a drill with a mine-radius. Then when you place it it will mine right straight to the bottom in that radius until it touches the block at drill-stop-when-touching. The option seconds-per-layer means that how many seconds will it take to mine 1 layer.