
Action to generate a particle.


pos -> Where the lightning will be generated.

particle -> What particle will be generated.

count -> The number of particle to generate.

shape -> The shape of the particle. Can be circle, sphere or cube.

radius -> The radius size of the particle (Just for spheres and circles)

size -> The size of the particle (Just for cubes)

angle -> The angle of the particle. (Just for circle shape)

seconds -> The seconds that the particle will stay.

breakBlocks -> If the blocks where the particle are generated will be broken.

affectAutosell -> If the blocks broken are affected by autosell.

red -> For colored particles, the red value.

green -> For colored particles, the green value.

blue -> For colored particles, the blue value.


particle <pos>world, x, y, z</pos> <particle>SMOKE</particle> <count>1</count>

particle <pos>world, x, y, z</pos> <shape>circle</shape> <seconds>5</seconds> <radius>3</radius> <angle>90</angle> <particle>HEART</particle> <breakBlocks>true</breakBlocks> <affectAutosell>true</affectAutosell>

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