/edp ➤ EdPrison Commands. (edprison.admin)
/edp reload ➤
Reloads the config
/edp msg <player> <message> ➤
Sends a message to a player.
/edp sound <player> <sound> <volume> <pitch> ➤
Players a sound to a player. Default volume is 2 and pitch 1.
/edp title <player> <title> ➤
Sends a title to a player.
/edp titlewithsubtitle <player> <title>title</title><subtitle>subtitle</subtitle> ➤
Sends a title with subtitle to a player.
/edp updatepickaxe <player> ➤
Updates a player pickaxe item.
/edp executecommands <player> <commands> ➤
Execute a list of commands for a player divided by a "," For example: /edp executecommands EdwardBelt edp msg %player% Hello %player%, edp sound %player% EXPLOSION
/edp opengui <player> <gui> ➤
Opens a gui to a player
/edp enchantasplayer <player> <enchant> <amount> ➤
Enchants an enchantment as a player X times.
/edp refundasplayer <player> <enchant> <amount> ➤
Refunds an enchantment as a player X times.
/edp removerobotasplayer <player> <robot> ➤
Removes a robot of a player.
/edp claimrobotcurrenciesasplayer <player> ➤
Claims and withdraws to the player their robots currencies.
/edp buyahitemasplayer <player> <ah-item> ➤
Buys an auctionhouse item as a player.
/edp returnahitemasplayer <player> <ah-item> ➤
Returns an auctionhouse item as a player.
/admin ➤ Admin Commands. (edprison.admin)
/edp reseteconomy <economy> ➤
Resets for all players a currency/level.
/edp resetenchant <enchant> ➤
Resets for all players an enchant.
/edp givepickaxe <player> ➤
Gives a pickaxe to a player.
/edp enchant <player> <enchant> <amount> ➤
Enchants a specific enchantment. The amount can be a straight number like 5 to set a value or it can contain a '+' or '-'. If it contains a '+', for example +5 it will add 5 levels. If it contains a '-', for example -5 it will remove 5 levels.
/bombs ➤ Bombs Commands. (edprison.bombs.admin)
/bombs give <player> <bomb> ➤
Gives a bomb to a player.
/armors ➤ Armors Commands. (edprison.armors.admin)
/armors give <player> <armor> ➤
Gives an armor to a player.
/drills ➤ Drills Commands. (edprison.drills.admin)
/drills give <player> <drill> ➤
Gives a drill to a player.
/pouches ➤ Pouches Commands. (edprison.pouches.admin)
/pouches give <player> <pouch> ➤
Gives a pouch to a player.
/robots ➤ Robots Commands. (edprison.robots.admin)
/robots give <player> <robot> ➤
Gives a robot to a player.
/variables ➤ Variables Commands. (edprison.variables.admin)
/variables set <player> <var> <value> ➤
Sets a changeable var value of a player.
/variables unset <player> <var> ➤
Unsets a changeable var of a player.
/ah ➤ Auction House Commands. (edprison.ah.<cmd>)
/ah sell <currency> <amount> ➤
Sells the item you have in your hand.
/gang ➤ Gang Player Commands. (No Permissions)
/gang create <gang-name> ➤
Creates a gang.
/gang disband ➤
Disband your gang.
/gang invite <player> ➤
Invite someone to your gang.
/gang uninvite <player> ➤ Uninvite someone from your gang
/gang join <gang-name> ➤
Join a gang.
/gang kick <player> ➤
Kick someone from your gang.
/gang promote <player> ➤
Promote a member of your gang.
/gang demote <player> ➤
Demote a member of your gang.
/gang setleader <player> ➤
Set the leader of your gang.
/gang info <player/gang-name> ➤
Get the info of a player gang or a gang.
/gang chat ➤
Toggles the gang chat.
/gang top ➤
Gets the top gangs.
Last updated
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